The Edmonton Area Narcotics Anonymous Public Relations Committee’s purpose is defined in the guidelines as…

Our purpose is based on NA’s 5th Tradition, “Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry the message to the addict who still suffers”. Everything we do in NA Service must be motivated by the desire to successfully carry the message of recovery – that an addict, any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. The Edmonton & Area Public Relation’s Committee is the working body for our combined group service efforts, and it is directly accountable to the ASC and the groups it represents in its actions, “The final responsibility and authority for NA Services rest with NA groups.” (2nd concept)

The Public Relations Committee carries the message of Narcotics Anonymous at public information events and panels in hospitals and institutions. We are always looking for members to be of service by speaking at these venues.

In order to represent the Public Relations Committee, a member must first attend the orientation. The orientation is held once a month, from 12 PM to 1 PM. Starting January 5th, 2025 it will be held on the 1st Sunday of the month, virtually through Zoom or in person at the Jerry Forbes Center. Please see the Service Committee Schedule, under the Being of Service menu, for upcoming dates.

Trusted Servants

ChairKimberly L.[email protected]
Vice ChairJustin C.[email protected]
SecretaryGeorgina J.[email protected]
Secretary AltOmar K.[email protected]
Hospitals & Institutions Coordinator (Interim)Ed B.[email protected]
Literature CoordinatorGerard B.[email protected]
Orientation CoordinatorRhys W.[email protected]
Outreach CoordinatorChris S.[email protected]
Phone Line CoordinatorNeil E.[email protected]
Public Information CoordinatorChad M.[email protected]
Website CoordinatorGerard B.[email protected]
Panel Leads
ARC DetoxJen M.[email protected]
Bonnyville Treatment CentreDevin P.
George Spady DetoxKirsten M.[email protected]
HenwoodSteve T.[email protected]
Men's RemandEd B.[email protected]
PoundmakersJustin V.[email protected]
Women's Emergency Accommodation CentreAndee K.[email protected]
Women's RemandCheryl B.[email protected]
Women's Remand AltGeorgina J.[email protected]

Open Positions

PositionRequired Clean Time
Hospitals & Institutions Coordinator3 Years
Hospitals & Institutions Coordinator Alt2.5 Years
Literature Coordinator Alt1.5 Years
Newsletter1 Year
Newsletter Alt6 Months
Orientation Coordinator3 Years
Orientation Coordinator Alt2.5 Years
Outreach Coordinator Alt1.5 Years
Phoneline Alt1.5 Years
Public Information Coordinator Alt2.5 Years
Website Coordinator Alt1.5 Years
Panel Leads and Alts
ARC Detox Alt6 Months
Bonnyville Treatment Centre Alt6 Months
Edmonton Institution for Women1 Year
Edmonton Institution for Women Alt6 Months
George Spady Detox Alt6 Months
Henwood Alt6 Months
Men's Remand Alt6 Months
Poundmaker's Lodge Alt6 Months
Thorpe Alt6 Months
Women's Emergency Accommodation Centre Alt6 Months
Youth Detox1 Year
Youth Detox Alt6 Months


Public Relations Policy and Procedures February 2023

Contact the Public Relations Committee