The primary purpose of this Committee shall be to administer and coordinate the activities common to the welfare of the WSO registered NA groups within the Edmonton Area, to support the needs of these groups and the community, to serve as the link between these groups and the AL-SASK Regional Service Committee, and to further the primary purpose of NA as stated in our literature.

Open Positions

ASC Positions

PositionRequired Clean Time
Vice Chair2 Years
Secretary Alt1 Year
Treasurer5 Years
Treasurer Alt5 Years
Archivist Alt1 Year
3 Years

Board of Trustees Members
There are 2 open Board of Trustees Member Position available.

PositionRequired Clean Time
Board of Trustees Member3 Years
Board of Trustees Member3 Years


Area Service Committee Policies and Procedures (Updated Aug 2024)

A Guide to Local Services in NA

World Services Conference 2023 – Conference Agenda Report

EANA 12 Step Call Guideline

Monthly Meeting Minutes

Submit a Service Expense Form

Please fill out the following form and email to [email protected] : [Link to Form]
Additionally, please email all corresponding receipts to [email protected]

Contact the Area Service Committee